Ethan Frome Newsletter




Published by: Adrian Snyder


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Frome gives the farm-hand control over the farm while he helps Zeena care for Mattie.

Frome and Mattie are said to have PERMANENT injuries.

Young Couple Found Unconscious Near the Base of the Elm Tree

By Mr. Hale

A young couple, which turns out to be our very own Ethan Frome and Mattie Silver, is found in what seems to be a tragic crash into the Elm Tree. Why they were sledding in such dark and dangerous conditions is still a mystery at this point in time. Mattie was unfortunately paralyzed from the accident, while Frome badly mangled.

Should We Take Out the Elm Tree?

By Mrs. Hale

Ever since the horrifying event that has recently taken place, I’m beginning to wonder whether or not we, as a community, should cut down the Elm! After all, it is arguably the most dangerous part of Starkfield there is. If we could take it down, then anyone and everyone could ride sleds without the fear of hitting the Elm tree. I say we chop away!

Ender’s Game Newsletter


The Space-flight

from around the world!


·       Buggers and Humans expected to live peacefully together in as little as ten years.

Ender Wiggin as of post-war

Next shipment to new colony holding 1,499 people and expected to leave March 15 of this year.

The Bugger Wars are Finally Over!

Eleven-year-old Andrew (Ender) Wiggin single-handedly destroys the evil we know as the Buggers, but unfortunately regrets doing so due to being tricked into it. With all of this being said, what will happen next? Will Demosthenes and Locke final reveal their identities? Now that they have nothing to fight as a united race, will the nations of the world go back to war and forget about the Buggers? Only time will tell.

Ender Wiggin Becomes Governor of the New Colony.

Shortly after defeating the Bugger army, Ender Wiggin is voted in as the governor of the new colony that was once the Bugger home world. Though, Ender is never around because he journeys far off into space in search of the perfect place to raise the lone surviving Bugger larva so that one day Humans and Buggers may live together in harmony.